Yesterday, since I am being told that I will be going to carry out fieldwork in Penang, so today I asked my manager what I should do next and he asked me to arrange it and then ask the client to confirm the date, I search the location using google map and try to come out with the arrangement, I then asked my colleague on in the email what would be the content and what should I mention to the client as I am worried that client might not able to understand the purpose why we are going to conduct the fieldwork and is that necessary for us to have this fieldwork.
I asked Roshen my senior that what are the purposes of the audit fieldwork, and he replied the purposes are mainly three, which are:
To visit the company’s data center (server room) to assess the physical controls
To perform AD extraction to obtain the users credential in your Active Directory (AD) (for this, we will need your help to key in the login ID & password to establish a connection, then will need to extract the data)
To sight remaining pending documents if needed
I then draft an email, in the email, I mentioned I will come for a one-day audit fieldwork trip, the second paragraph I mentioned the purposes or reasons why we need to have this fieldwork. Lastly, I mentioned the date that we arrange to conduct the audit fieldwork that ask whether they are available on that day or not.
I sent out the email, and within 30 minutes I then received a call from one of the companies, the person in charge ask several questions, she asks how the cost will be charged, whether it is included in the audit fees, is the fieldwork a compulsory, can they rearrange the scheduled date from 30th Feb to another day as that day is a Chinese ceremony which they afraid they are unable to serve us during that day. I mentioned to her that I will confirm with my manager first and then I will come back to her, however for the rearranging matters, I then suggested it be scheduled for 2nd Feb, that day is actually a holiday in KL, so in my arrangement, it is not occupied as I thought that we will follow the KL holiday, I then suggest it be changed to 2nd Feb, the client also ok with it.
Main things that have learned
-Learn about the purpose of conducting fieldwork, and how to deal with clients if he or
she asks the reason.
The thing I learn today are two, the first is, if you are unsure of something when dealing with the client, we can not give a random answer or wrong answer, it is also inappropriate to say you do not know the answer, what should we really need to explain to the client that we will confirm with our superior first only then we come back to him for the answer. Secondly, when we need to deal with the client, we need to ensure we have sufficient knowledge or understanding first before we reach the client.